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Thesis and final defense

The final examination requires writing an original dissertation to be presented and discussed in front of an ad hoc Graduation Committee, composed by at least seven faculty members nominated by the Final Examination Committee. The Thesis is elaborated by the student under the supervision of a faculty member on a topic agreed with the supervisor. The preparation of the thesis can be part of an internship or can be carried out during a period of study abroad, within international agreements with other universities. See Interships for more details.
Check out the infographic and follow the steps.

The final assessment of the candidate is based upon the following elements: originality of the results, mastering of the subject, mathematical rigour of the thesis and of the presentation, independence shown in carrying out the research, ability of speaking in public and of setting the topic within the appropriate literature. 
The Final Examination Committee also nominates an additional faculty member to act as Referee. The Referee prepares a report on the final version of the thesis, which is sent to the Graduation Committee and taken into account for the final evaluation. 

Since a.y. 2021/22 to present the experimental thesis project student must have acquired at least 40 credits including Advanced Cell Biology and Biotechnology.

Look at the tab Thesis submission deadlines for further details on how to submit the thesis.

  • Thesis Topics
  • The thesis proposal form containing a summary of the thesis project and other information must be submitted before start working in the lab. Sent it by e-mail for approval to the Didactic Commitee:
    Prof. Riccardo Autelli (Biomedical track)
    Prof. Santina Cutrupi (Biomolecular track)
    Prof. Patrizia Bovolin (Neurobiological track)
  • General instructions to prepare the Master Thesis

Students applying for an Erasmus programme for the experimental thesis internship, should submit the thesis proposal form to the Thesis Committee for approval before submitting their Erasmus application, as indicated in the section “Theis preparation”.

The internal tutor can be directly agreed with a teacher of the Master course or even assigned by the Thesis Committee depending on the topic of the project.

The learning agreement must be signed by the Erasmus coordinator of the degree course (Prof. Sheila Sadeghi).

The student needs to log into her/his MyUnito account with the student credentials and follow the instructions to submit the application. Step by step instructions for the online submission are available on the pages of Unito Portal.
ATTENTION: the title of the thesis on the degree application procedure must also be entered in Italian!

If you miss to present the documents for the final exam within the right deadline you will jump to the following session.

See tab Thesis submission deadlines for further details:

Thesis defense dates   Graduating application documents including last exam registration
electronic copy
Thesis + Evaluation form
Thesis online publication (receipt)
april 12-15-16/ 2024
extraordinary session


February 5 (9 a.m.) – February 23 (4 p.m.) March 27, 2024 (3 p.m.)
March 27, 2024

March 29, 2024 (4 p.m.)

July 16-17-18 / 2024***
summer session


 May 20 (9 a.m.)– June 13 (4 p.m.)

June 27, 2024

 june 27, 2024 this date is valid only for sending the evaluation form and abstract to
by this date, the candidate must have the Thesis ready to be sent to the opposing Professor when notified by notice posted on the home page of this site

July 5, 2024
october 23-24-25/2024
autumn session

Please note, deadlines for this session may change or others may be added.


September 11 (9 a.m.)– September 24 (4 p.m.)

October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024

October 12, 2024

april 8-9-10/ 2025
extraordinary session

Please note, deadlines for this session may change or others may be added.


February 3 (9 a.m.) – February 20 (4 p.m.)

March 20, 2025 March 20, 2025

March 28, 2025

Important information: thesis hard copy must be signed by both the candidate and the tutor professor.

Documents to be provided to dr. E. Calabrò by email (
- Abstract
- Evaluation form

Thesis online publication Online thesis service

  • The receipt must be uploaded in the attachments of the graduation application procedure.
  • Note that once you upload your Thesis on line, you must contact the technical support (within the deadline) to make changes.
  • After the deadline, it’s not possible to change it anymore.

***Regular students (thesis discussion within the second enrollment) must register their last curricular exam  within the 10 days  preceeding the discussion of their thesis (this is not applying to the stage and/or to 'Other activities', that will be regulated by specific notices on the Master website). All the other students are required to register their exams within the document deadline (see table above).

After the submission of the thesis online, the students should check the homepage of the website where all the information about the final exam will be published.
As soon as the students know the name of the examiner (controrelatore), they should send him/her the thesis.

On the day of the final examination, the student, supported by a slide presentation, illustrates and defends the thesis orally in front of the Graduation Committee. The Committee's questions are usually postponed to the end of the presentation. The time allocated to each candidate's presentation is 20 minutes (15 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of discussion), so the candidate should calibrate the presentation accordingly, to avoid the risk of being stopped before the end*. 

* A good rule of thumb is between 1 min and 1 min 30 secs per slide.

For the final grade mark see the infographic.

If you decide to postpone your final exam you are required to present again the documents within the deadline for the session you choose.

Students who have already applied for the thesis session and intend to renounce are obliged to submit a written waiver to the Student Service Office with one as either of the following ways:

  • by contacting the Help Desk
  • by sending a fax to the number 011/6704693, including the waiver and a copy of the student's id card
  • by contacting directly the Students Office.

Please note that students who renounced a thesis session are not automatically enrolled into the next one. It is then mandatory to apply again for the chosen session. The payment, however, is not due again.

 * Both the online procedure and the instructions are for the moment in Italian; we are trying to obtain English versions of these.

For more information or help with the procedures above, please enquire to the Final Examination Committee writing to

Last update: 17/05/2024 12:31
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