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Academic year 2016/2017
- Course ID
- SVB0049
- Teaching staff
- Dott. Giovanna Di Nardo
Prof. Sheila Sadeghi - Degree course
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Year
- 2nd year
- Type
- Distinctive
- Credits/Recognition
- 6
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- BIO/10 - biochimica
- Delivery
- Formal authority
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Lessons optional and laboratories mandatory
- Type of examination
- Written and oral (optional)
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Sommario del corso
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Course objectives
The course provides the student the fundamental knowledge about protein folding, structure and the spectroscopic techniques used to study protein conformation and solve their 3D structure, with particular emphasis on protein crystallography.
It also provides the knowledge of instrumentation and techniques employed and conceptual approaches to interpret current studies in the field of proteomics and equipment of protein arrays and protein chips. The course provides students with detailed knowledge of: - Structure-function relationships of biological macromolecules - The study of protein folding - Evolution of protein structures and protein modules – Spectroscopy applied to biological macromolecules – X-ray crystallography - Techniques for the study of the proteome - Protein arrays and protein chips.
Laboratory-based experiments on protein crystallization and protein stability analysis through calorimetry (DSC) will provide the student a practical overview of the approaches that can be used for protein folding and structure studies.
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Results of learning outcomes
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS UNDERSTANDING . Knowledge of the different levels of protein structure and their graphical representation . Structural interpretation in terms of polypeptide chain folding. Functional interpretation of binding and catalytic sites of proteins / enzymes , starting from the nature of amino acids.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. Visualize, calculate and study the protein structures using molecular graphics software.
JUDGEMENT. Recognition of molecules and structures in the graphical representation in databases. Interpretation of Molecular Biology basic protocols.
COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS. Written test on the practicals part about molecular mechanics approaches .
LEARNING ABILITY. Familiar with protein databases and tools available online.
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Course delivery
Lectures: 36 hours; Practicals: 24 hours
Lecture attendance is optional, while practicals is compulsory.
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Learning assessment methods
Final written exam with 3 open questions:
- one question on the module of Dr. Di Nardo (50% of the final grade)
- one of them on the module of Prof. Sadeghi (30% of the final grade)
- one question on the Practicals of "Protein bioinformatics" (10% of the final grade)
The seminars of the students, based on an original research article about a protein structure, are also assessed ( 10% of the final grade ).
The final grade will be expressed in a maximum of 30.
The examination committee reserves the right to have an oral exam to clarify the preparation of the student before registering the vote.
- Oggetto:
• Protein structure classification according to Linderström-Lang, superscondary structure, protein domain classification
• Membrane proteins
- Biological spectroscopy: fluorescence, circular dichroism and IR.
- Structure resolution by X-ray crystallography
- Practical on crystallization of lysozyme and basics on analysis of x-ray diffraction images
• Protein structure: comparison, classification and prediction. Prediction of protein function from sequence and structure
• Practical class molecular modelling: construction and evaluation of protein models, ligand docking, docking of protein structures and domains
• Protein folding: Key concepts and methods, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Effect of denaturants on rates of folding and unfolding, The molten globule, Folding funnels, Folding patterns, Protein misfolding and chaperons, Proteins misfolding and disease
• Technical background on electrophoretic methods-2DE-DIGE
• Obtaining and scanning gel maps, Image analysis software for matching and semi-quantitative analysis.
• Mass spectrometry (MS) for proteomics (Maldi, ESI, De novo sequencing). Data analysis.
• Examples of application of 2DE and MS for diagnostics and research: presentation of recent papers on various fields of proteomics research.
• Protein array and protein chip: overview on available approaches and detection (SPR, fluorescence).
• Immobilisation strategies for arrays and chips. Nanoarrays and nanotechnologies applied to the development of protein chips. Examples of protein chips applications.
• Functional proteomics: activity based protein profiling (ABPP), theory and examples.
Suggested readings and bibliography
- Oggetto:
- A.M-Lesk: Introduction to protein science. Architecture, functions and genomics, Oxford University Press
- AC supply Orengo, D.T. Jones & J.M. Thornton: Bioinformatics. Genes, protein & Computers
- BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited It 'strongly advised to use the following material for insights and additions:
- Powerpoint presentations and lecture notes;
- Articles and reviews taken from the literature as shown in class.- Oggetto: