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IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY (not activated in 2017/18)




Academic year 2018/2019

Course ID
Teaching staff
Paola Costelli
Dott. Fabio PENNA
Degree course
Cellular and Molecular Biology
2nd year
Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
MED/04 - patologia generale
Formal authority
Lessons optional and laboratories mandatory
Type of examination
Written and oral (optional)
- Regulation of gene expression and signal transduction.
- Bases of cellular physiology
- Bases of metabolic biochemistry
- Fundaments in genetics
- Good knowledge of cellular biology, ciytology and histology
- Bases of anatomy and physiology

Sommario del corso


Course objectives

IMMUNOPATHOLOGY: Students should have a good knowledge about
- the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of some human diseases
- the molecular mechanisms involved in immune-based diseases - the consequences of an altered immune response

ONCOLOGY: Students should have a good knowledge about
- the cellular and molecular mechanisms at the bases of carcinogenesis
- the natural history of neoplastic diseases - the main risk factors


Results of learning outcomes


KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION - At the end of the course the students should have learned:

1) the relevance of the immune system as a potential source of disease;
2) the molecular mechanisms underlying pathologies due to excessive or defective immune response;
3) the relevance of the immune system in oncology and neurodegenerative diseases.

ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION - The student should become able to integrate the knowledge obtained from the section of Immunopathology with that derived from other courses such as the section of Oncology, General and Molecular Pathology, Medical and Oncological Genetics. In addition, he/she should demonstrate the acquisition of skill (theory and practice) to perform some immunometric analysis.

JUDGMENT AUTONOMY - The student should be able to evaluate and provide interpretation of experimental data. In addition he should have well understood the relevance of laboratory safety.

COMMUNICATION - Italian and English communication (write and speak), skill for group working.



KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION - At the end of the course the students should have learned:

1) the basis of oncology;
2) the molecular mechanisms underlying both neoèplastic trasnformation and tumor progression;
3) the relevance of the environment (diet, physical activity, co-morbidity, etc.) in cancer progression.

ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION - The student should become able to integrate the knowledge obtained from the section of Oncology with that derived from other courses such as the section of Immunopathology, General and Molecular Pathology, Medical and Oncological Genetics. In addition, he/she should demonstrate the acquisition of skill (theory and practice) to analyse histological preparations.

JUDGMENT AUTONOMY - The student should be able to evaluate and provide interpretation of experimental data. In addition he should have well understood the relevance of laboratory safety.

COMMUNICATION - Italian and English communication (write and speak), skill for group working.




Course delivery

The organization of the course is the following: 44 hours (22 for Immunopathology, 22 for Oncology) will be dedicated to class and seminars, 2 hour/section to practicing the discussion of scientific papers. Attendance to every type of class is optional, though recommended.


Learning assessment methods

Learning is verified by means of a written test held in specific predefined calls.

The test consists of a series of questions dealing with all the teaching program developed during the course. Questions are mainly open, aimed at evaluating the specific knowledge, but also the skill for both synthesis and speach organization. Max punctuation is 30/30, every question having the same weight. Particularly relevant executions will be marked cum laude


Support activities

Seminars held during the teaching period.



IMMUNOPATHOLOGY Cytokines: molecular aspects, role in the regulation of cell turnover and immune response, as well as in the pathogenesis of diseases. Major histocompatibility complex in pathology. Immediate hypersensitivity (type I): anaphylaxis, atopia, skin reaction, asthma, anaphylactic shock. Type II hypersensitiviy: reactions against erythrocytes, platelets, blood groups, immune-based hemoliytic anemias. Immunocomplex hypersensitivity (type III): serum sickness, glomerulonephritis, Arthus reaction, immunocomplex detection. Delayed type hypersensitivity (type IV). Transplant rejection. Role of immune system, time and prevention. Immune tolerance and autoimmunity. Tolerance mechanisms breaking, association with pathology. Diagnostic and prognostic value of autoantibodies. Rheumatoid arthritis, ESL, Hashimoto tiroiditis, pernicious anemia, multiple sclerosis. Primary immunodeficiency: B and T lymphocyte deficit, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), adenosine deaminase deficiency, gene therapy. Deficiency of natural immunity. Secondary immunodeficiency. AIDS. Tumor immunology: immunosurveillance, tumor-associated antigens, immune escape. Immunotherapy: active and passive, tumor immunotherapy, anti-cytokine treatments Vaccines: theory, efficiency and safety, experimental vaccines. Vaccinotherapy as an antineoplastic tool. Discussion and presentation of scientific papers.

ONCOLOGY The course will provide students with fundaments of general oncology and knowledge about cellular and mechanisms involved in carcinogenesis, as well as about experimental approaches in the field of oncological research. Tumors are genetic diseases of somatic cells. Tumors are an heterogeneous group of diseases sharing some common biological features. Failure, in neoplstic cell populations of physiological antineoplastic defense mechanisms(apoptosis, DNA repair, cell senescence). Cancer epidemiology data. Tumor histopathologycal and clinical classification. Tumor natural history. Carcinogenesis as a multiphasic microevolutive process. Genetic and epigenetic events. Angiogenesis. The role of inflammation. Infiltrative growth. Epithelial-mesenchimal transition. Neoplastic progression. Metastatization. Stem cell theory. Tumor-host interactions. Cancer cachexia Tumor etiology. Chemical, biological and physical risk factors. Viral cancerogenesis. Hormones and cancer. Molecular oncology. Oncogenes and oncosuppressor genes. Mechanisms of activation and inactivation. Functional consequences. Outline of conventional and molecular therapeutic approaches to neoplastic diseases.

Suggested readings and bibliography


Slides from lectures available on the Moodle platform.


IMMUNOPATHOLOGY - Abbas A.K., Lichtman A.H., Pillai S. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Elsevier- Saunders, 2014

ONCOLOGY - Weinberg RA. The biology of Cancer, 2nd ed, 2014 Garland Science - Tannock IA, Hill R, Bristow R, Harrington L. The basic science of Oncology. 5th edition, 2013, Mc Graw-Hill Education - DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology 8th edition

Last update: 04/07/2017 15:28
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