News and events
- General and Molecular Pharmacology Course di Roberto Canaparo, pubblicato in News monday, july 10, 2023
- Workshop: “Advances in AI-based approaches to cancer imaging and molecular profiling” 4-7-2023 @10-13 di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars friday, june 30, 2023
- "Transposable Elements - Jumping Genes" July 3, 2023 di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars friday, june 30, 2023
- Scholarship in memory of Serena Saracino | Call open until the 6th of September 2023 di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, june 29, 2023
- Neuroscience Academy Denmark - PhD opportunity di Administrator, pubblicato in News tuesday, june 27, 2023
- Graduation session of July 2023 Master's degree in CMB di Administrator, pubblicato in News monday, june 26, 2023
- NICO-Webinar: "Drosophila models of Parkinson’s Disease and Aging" 28/6/23 @ 14.00 di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars friday, june 23, 2023
- Career Afternoon survey di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, june 8, 2023
- Timetable change for the General and Molecular Pharmacology Course di Roberto Canaparo, pubblicato in Information about courses tuesday, june 6, 2023
- Seminar: "Alternative Splicing of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels: Implications for Function and Dysfunction in Health and Disease" 7-6-23 @14 di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, may 25, 2023
- NICO-Webinar: "Electrified brains: from the torpedo fish to transcranial direct current stimulation" 6/6/23 @ 14.00 di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars tuesday, may 30, 2023
- Career day for CMB students (May, 31 at 2 pm) di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars friday, may 12, 2023
- URGENTE lezioni nelle aule di Palazzo Campana 29/5 di Administrator, pubblicato in Generici friday, may 26, 2023
- Graduations of June 2023 - CMB di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars wednesday, may 24, 2023
- Seminar “Choroid plexus: a new entry point to study the brain development” di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars monday, may 22, 2023
- Seminar: "Choroid plexus: a new entry point to study the brain development" 30-5-23 @15 di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, may 18, 2023
- NICO-Webinars: Silvia Gancheva Marinova e Antoaneta Georgieva 19-5-23 @ 14.00 di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, may 18, 2023
- Neurology TALKS "Neuropathy and dementia: two diseases with a common cause" di Giovanna Gambarotta, pubblicato in Seminars sunday, may 14, 2023
- Borsa di studio in memoria di Leonardo Cuttica di Administrator, pubblicato in Generici thursday, may 11, 2023
- Teaching evaluation di Administrator, pubblicato in News monday, may 15, 2023